ANUHD Position Statement





Position Statement

Australian Network for Universal Housing Design believes that the homes we build for today should be fit for all of tomorrow’s Australians.

Please support our call to the Australian Government to regulate minimum access features in the National Construction Code for all new and extensively modified housing. This should be supported by education and training for the housing industry.


  • Current housing designs do not work for many people including older people, people recovering from illness or injury, mothers with prams and people who have mobility difficulties. Research indicates that 91% of new housing can expect to have a resident or a visitor with a severe mobility limitation during its lifecycle
  • Regulation will lead to more inclusive and sustainable communities now and in the future
  • Greater accessibility is easily achieved if included at design stage
  • An increased supply of accessible mainstream housing is critical to the success of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the Aged Care Reforms
  • The 2010-2020 National Disability Strategy committed to an agreed level of accessibility in all new housing by 2020 (See the Livable Housing Design Strategic Plan). With a few exceptions, the housing industry has not responded. ANUHD anticipates that less than 5% of the 2020 target will be met unless these features are regulated
  • Regulation in the National Construction Code will provide cost and production efficiencies for everyone.

ANUHD considers the minimum standard is Livable Housing Design Gold Level as outlined in the Livable Housing Design Guidelines.

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