
The Order of Australia recognises Australians for outstanding service or exceptional achievement.

Everyone that is recognised is nominated by someone in the community. This means that we all have the ability to recognise someone for their hard-work and service. It also means that it is up to all of us to ensure our national awards system represents our diversity – across gender, cultural backgrounds and importantly – disability.

The Governor-General of Australia has written to us and we are working with his Office to raise awareness of the Order of Australia and improve its diversity.

If you know a person with disability that you would like to nominate for a medal, you will need to gather some key information on them before filling in the Order of Australia Nomination Form

You will need to gather:

  • The contact details of the person you are nominating
  • A short case of why/who you are nominating; including
    • Examples of how they have demonstrated outstanding qualities
    • What they have done to make things better for others
    • The role(s) or area(s) in which they have excelled
    • The period of time, or dates of service (if known)
    • Evidence of other awards or recognition received by the nominee
  • Up to four referees (including contact details)

Lesley Hall, who was AFDO’s Chief Executive Officer from 2008 – 2013 was posthumously awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in 2015.  We need to see more people with disability recognised, so please have a think about a person with disability that you could nominate for the OAM. 

Thornbury's 'unromantically working class' Lesley Hall honoured in Australia Day awards | Leader

Image of Lesley Hall, who was posthumously awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to people with disability


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