Our people

 Group photo from 2023 Conference

L>R: Board Members Christine Hunter, Andrew Fairbairn, AFDO CEO Ross Joyce, Board Member Debbie Kennewell

Our Board

AFDO is governed by a Board of Directors, and managed by the Chief Executive Officer.

Our Board of Directors are nominated by our Full member organisations. Under our Constitution, the Board can also appoint up to two individuals to the Board on the basis of their specialist expertise.

We currently have seven Board members in total, six who have a disability and one Independent Director co-opted for his Governance and Leadership skills.

You can read more information on each of our Board members below.

Grant Lindsay - President (Chair)

Nominated by Down Syndrome Australia

Grant is married and has two children with his wife, Tammy. Their daughter, Alishia, has Down Syndrome and is 25 years of age. Grant is a strong advocate for people with intellectual disability, promoting inclusion and equality in all things. Grant is also a person with disability.

Grant was the Deputy Chair of Down Syndrome Australia for 12 years.  He was President of Down Syndrome Australia (NT) for thirteen years.  

Grant has been on the Board of Carpentaria Disability Services since 2005 and is currently the President and Board Chair.  He is also the Past President of the Rotary Club of Darwin, and is currently the Club’s International Service, National Projects and Rotary Foundation Director. He is the Global Grants Sub-Committee Chair for Rotary District 9560 (Northern Australia and Timor Leste).  Grant is a Director and Senior Consultant of Creative TEAMS, as well as a Director of Living Edge Enterprise P/L.


Trevor Carroll OAM - Vice President and International Coordinator

Nominated by Disability Justice  Australia

Trevor is passionate about protecting and enhancing the human rights of people with disabilities, having acquired an incomplete spinal cord injury in the mid-1990s and a bi-lateral sensorineural hearing loss and Meniere’s disease. He was recognised for his service to people with disability in the 2022 Queens Birthday Honours List with the award of the Order of Australia Medal (OAM).

He has been a member of the AFDO Board since 2012, serving as Treasurer, President, and Vice President respectively.

Trevor has been CEO at Disability Justice Australia (DJA) since 2009 and represents AFDO as:

  • Elected Director and Information Officer on the Board of Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI)
  • Chair of the DPI Asia-Pacific Region
  • Member of the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF)
  • Member of the Australian Electoral Commission Disability Advisory Committee
  • Executive of the Australian Disability and Development Consortium (ADDC).


Christine Hunter – Treasurer

Nominated by Deafness Forum of Australia

Christine HunterChristine is an Adviser to Deafness Forum Australia (DFA) and its representative on the AFDO Board. Although she has lived with hearing loss since childhood, she pursued a successful and rewarding school-teaching career until her retirement in 2012.

Christine has since served as president of Hearing Matters Australia for six years and is an honorary Life Member of the organisation. She is a staunch advocate for people living with hearing loss and has made representations on their behalf to Australian federal and state government agencies and on consultation panels. She is also an active participant on the Transport for NSW Accessible Transport Committee (ATAC), again as DFA’s representative.

Christine collaborates with hearing care professionals, academic researchers, consumer representatives and international organisations, with the aim of having hearing loss recognised as a priority health issue. She advocates for a global best practice model focused on the needs of the individual and on strengthening the quality of hearing loss management.


Debbie Kennewell - Director

Nominated by Deaf Australia

Debbie KennewellDebbie is an Auslan user and is a current board member at Deaf Australia. She was born Deaf into a Deaf family, which includes both parents being Deaf. She primarily uses Auslan (Australian Sign Language), the language of the Deaf community in Australia.

Debbie resides in Darwin and works for Deaf Services/the Deaf Society in connecting Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals to needed supports across the Northern Territory.

With an interest in raising disability issues, Debbie ensures that the needs of the Australian Deaf community is promoted and included in conversations elsewhere.


Richard Dent – OAM, FAICD, Director

Independent Director

Richard Dent's photo

Richard was appointed by the Board for his governance and leadership expertise.

He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and has been active in the disability field for more than 25 years.

He contributed to the leadership of the NDIS campaign, and he has held CEO, Executive and Board member roles within UnitingCare, the E W Tipping Foundation (now Aruma), National Disability Services, and multiple other organisations.

Richard has been active in Australia’s civic life for almost three decades, including as Leadership Victoria’s Chief Executive Officer, where he implemented multiple programs and initiatives for equity in disability, gender, multiculturalism and LGBTIQA+. He is a specialist international consultant in leadership, strategy and NFP governance and has advised governments and contributed to public policy through VCOSS, NDS and other peak bodies.

Richard is active in a wide range of community organisations and academic institutions, and his contributions have included making progress on economic wellbeing, fostering social fairness, upholding animal welfare rights, fostering leadership in rural, regional and remote communities, building the relationship between Australia and Aotearoa, maintaining a sustainable global environment and upholding global human rights, particularly in multicultural communities and with a particular focus on rights of all people with disability.


Isabel Moss - Director

Nominated by Women with Disabilities ACT (WWDACT)

Isabel MossIsabel is the chair of Women with Disability ACT and a young queer person with disability. Isabel has extensive experience in disability policy, serving as a member of the Executive Committee of Health Care Consumers ACT and having previously worked for Advocacy for Inclusion. She is currently the Disability Justice Liaison Officer at Canberra Community Law.

Isabel has completed degrees from the Australian National University in Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics, and Sociology, and is passionate about the achievement of human rights for people with disability, especially in justice settings, health and medicine.

Andrew Fairbairn - Director

Nominated by Physical Disability Australia

Andrew is a Left Trans Tibial, (below knee) amputee of 8 years. He has many years of experience both on the inside, and the outside, of disability systems, on boards and committees, and has strong networks across the disability sector with disabled people, family members, and the not-for-profit and government sectors.

Andrew is qualified as an Assistive Technology Mentor with experience of the NDIS, assistive technologies, and home modifications. As a Project Coordinator with Limbs 4 Life, Andrew builds sustainable Peer Support groups for amputees and delivers national training to Limbs 4 Life training peer support volunteers.

Andrew is the WA representative on the Limbs 4 Life National Amputee Advisory Council, and President and WA State Director of Physical Disability Australia, the peak national body for people with physical disability.

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