One of the most effective ways of resolving issues for people with disability is to voice your concerns with government. In order for change to take place it is imperative that MPs are made aware of the issues within the community in order for them to act on it.
To voice your concerns, follow these steps:
- Find your State and Federal MPs (you can do this by following the links in the table below to find your relevant MPs);
- Phone them at their electoral offices;
- Express your concerns and ask what they and their political party are currently doing to resolve the issue;
- Follow up the phone call with a letter outlining your concerns and indicating whether you are satisfied with the response you were given over the phone;
- Find your Federal Electorate
- Find your Federal Member
Find your Electorate and Local Member:
Electorate: | VIC | ACT | NSW | QLD | NT | TAS* | SA | WA |
Local Member: | VIC | ACT | NSW | QLD | NT | TAS* | SA | WA |
*Find your Member by using the Tasmanian Electoral Commission online resource tool
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