Media releases

21 May 2024 



The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is calling on the Australian Government to urgently increase funding for independent and systemic disability advocacy organisations to support the implementation of the Recommendations of the NDIS Review and wider sector reforms.

In a comprehensive report released today, the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) and its member organisations have responded, in detail, to each of the 26 recommendations contained within the NDIS Review Report.

For AFDO, this marks the beginning of a critical phase of action to ensure governments implement the report’s recommendations effectively.

AFDO Chief Executive Officer Ross Joyce said:

 “What is clear is we have a have a significant amount of work to do. I want to stress that this is not business as usual for the disability sector. These recommendations can only be implemented by drawing on the expertise of people with disability and the organisations that represent them…”

“Organisations such as AFDO and our members are already critically underfunded. From 1 July, many of us will be trying to survive on $143,000 in funding per year.  Without these organisations, Government will not be able to implement the recommendations of the NDIS Review, it’s as simple as that”.

The NDIS Independent Review marked the 10th anniversary of the scheme.

AFDO President, Grant Lindsay, said:

“The NDIS created a monumental shift in the lives of many people with disability by enhancing their ability to live independently and be included in their communities.”

Grant continued:

“The economic benefits and flow on effects of this scheme are significant. Participants are better able to take on paid and voluntary work, carers are able to return to the workforce, trips to emergency due to accidents and falls are reduced and the prevention of the onset of secondary health conditions are decreased”.

AFDO’s response to the review highlighted several priority recommendations in the report where implementation should be fast tracked.

Priority recommendations for implementation identified in AFDO’s report include:

  • Recommendation 1: Invest in foundational supports to bring fairness, balance and sustainability to the ecosystem supporting people with disability.
  • Recommendation 15: Attract, retain and train a workforce that is responsive to participant needs and delivers quality supports.
  • Recommendation 16: Deliver safeguarding that is empowering and tailored to individuals, their service needs and environments.

This review must drive governments to ensure Australia’s disability support ecosystem truly meets the needs of all people with disability. Governments have a duty to facilitate equitable access to services and supports, as mandated by international human rights treaties.

While National Cabinet provided an initial response to the Review, Government is yet to provide a full response to the Report and Recommendations released last December.

The report follows the release of the Federal Budget earlier this week, to which AFDO responded with concern that no additional funding had been included to support the implementation of the NDIS recommendations.

Grant Lindsay said, “Beyond the Budget areas, we have no funds to do the enormous work needed on the recommendations from both the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review, with this funding increase called for by both the Disability Royal Commission and the Review Panel, and to cap this off the Government is still sitting on its hands on its responses to both. The use of terms like co-design and consultation begin to feel like just more throwaway lines.”


MEDIA ENQUIRIES David Latham, First Tier Media Phone: 0479 130 242 | Email:

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