Full membership criteria
Full membership of AFDO is open to Not-for-Profit disability organisations in Australia, that meet the following criteria:
- A Not for Profit disability organisation (your members can come from anywhere in Australia), and your members are:
- people with disability, and/or
- organisations of people with disability, and/or
- organisations for people with disability
- Your organisation’s prime role is to advocate for the rights of people with disability, and
- Your organisation is governed by a Board where at least 50% of Board members are people with disability and this is stated in your organisations Constitution or Rules, OR
- Your organisation is a national disability organisation representing the lived experience of advocating for a family member with disability;
- Children with disabilities, or
- People with Intellectual disability, or
- Carers and family members.
- Your organisation is either an Incorporated Association or a Company Limited by Guarantee, and
- Your organisation does not have any purposes contrary to the purposes of the AFDO.
How to apply for Full membership of AFDO
- Complete the Full Membership Application Form
- Send your completed form to the AFDO CEO at ceo@afdo.org.au
If you have any trouble downloading the membership application forms, please email office@afdo.org.au to have the form emailed to you.