
The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is made up of member organisations who contribute to the national policy agenda and address issues that impact the lives of people with disability in Australia. We understand that disability specific organisations play a key role in the provision of information and peer support to people with disability and their families. This role keeps them closely connected to their grass roots communities. Each community has its peak organisation that uses its voice to advocate on issues.

If your organisation would like to become a member of AFDO, you can find our membership criteria and application forms here – AFDO Full membership criteria, and AFDO Associate membership criteria.

Full members

Advocacy for Inclusion logo

Advocacy for Inclusion

Advocacy for Inclusion strive to advance inclusion and end discrimination through the provision of outstanding individual and systemic advocacy, resources, and training services.


Learn more about Advocacy for Inclusion website

Arts Access Australia logo

Arts Access Australia

Arts Access Australia (AAA) is the national peak body for arts and disability in Australia. They work to increase national and international opportunities and access to the arts for people with disability as artists, arts-workers, participants and audiences.

Learn more by visiting the Arts Access Australia website

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia logo

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) is a national grassroots advocacy organisation providing systemic advocacy for people with autism and others living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). A4 is focussed on the development and promotion of national ASD policies and priorities.

Learn more by visiting Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia.

Blind Citizens Australia logo

Blind Citizens Australia

BCA is the united voice of Australians who are blind or vision impaired. BCA provides information, peer support, individual and systemic advocacy, and consultancy services. Whether you are blind, have a vision impairment, a family member or friend of a person who is blind or vision impaired, BCA is there to assist you.

Learn more by visiting the BCA website.

Brain Injury Australia logo

Brain Injury Australia

Brain Injury Australia (BIA) provides information and a gateway to nationwide referral for optimising the social and economic participation of all Australians living with brain injury. It was formed at the first national community-based conference on Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) in 1986.

Learn more by visiting Brain Injury Australia.

Deaf Australia logo

Deaf Australia

Deaf Australia is the national peak advocacy and information organisation in Australia for Deaf people who are bilingual – using both English and Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Deaf Australia advises government, industry, and service providers about the needs and views of Deaf people, and work to improve Deaf people’s access in a range of areas.

Learn more by visiting the Deaf Australia website.

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Deafblind Australia

Deafblind Australia (formerly Australian DeafBlind Council ADBC) was set up as an advocacy organisation for people with deafblindness and their families, following the National Deafblind Conference in Melbourne in 1993. Deafblind Australia educates members of the public and relevant government organisations about deafblindness.

Learn more by visiting the Deafblind Australia website.

Deafness Forum Australia logo

Deafness Forum Australia

Deafness Forum Australia is the national peak body representing all interests and viewpoints of the one-in-six Australians who are deaf, deafblind, have a hearing loss or a chronic ear or balance disorder, and the families who support them.

Learn more by visiting the Deafness Forum Australia website.

Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) logo

Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA)

DANA supports and strengthens independent disability advocacy organisations in their work of advocating for and with people with disability so that they are valued and included members of the community, their fundamental needs are met, and their human rights respected. DANA is a network of organisations throughout Australia that undertakes or provides individual advocacy, systemic advocacy, self-advocacy, citizen advocacy, legal advocacy or family advocacy.

Learn more by visiting the DANA website.

Disability Justice Australia (DJA) logo

Disability Justice Australia (DJA)

Disability Justice Australia Inc is the leading provider of advocacy and support services for people with disabilities.  DJA provide advocacy support to people who have ongoing support needs as a result of disability, and is funded to provide NDIS appeal support to people with disabilities who live in one of the 5 Local Government areas in Victoria – Banyule, Whittlesea, Yarra, Nillumbik, and Darebin.  DJA’s focus is about working with the person with a disability and supporting their needs, rights and interests to address and resolve issues they identify. It is independent of all other services and free of conflicts of interest. There is no charge to use the service.

Learn more by visiting the DJA website.

Disability Resources Centre (DRC) logo

Disability Resources Centre (DRC)

The Disability Resources Centre (DRC) is a membership-driven organisation managed and staffed by people with disabilities. It provides individual advocacy for adults with disability, and also work on systemic issues and support campaigns which aim to provide long-term benefits for many people.

Learn more by visiting the DRC website.

Down Syndrome Australia logo

Down Syndrome Australia

Down Syndrome Australia is the peak body for people with Down syndrome in Australia. Its purpose is to influence social and policy change, provide a national profile and voice for people living with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Australia works collaboratively with the eight state and territory Down syndrome associations to achieve their mission. Its vision is an Australia where people living with Down syndrome are valued, reach their potential and enjoy social and economic inclusion.

Learn more by visiting the Down Syndrome Australia website.

Enhanced Lifestyles logo

Enhanced Lifestyles

Enhanced Lifestyles is a not-for-profit organisation which provides in-home and community support services to children and adults living with disabilities. It was formed by, and is governed by people with a disability. Its services are provided in home and are designed to assist people to remain independent within their homes and the community. The organisation was formed in 1990 and was specially formed to offer people choice and control over their services, a revolutionary concept at the time.

Learn more by visiting the Enhanced Lifestyles website.

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) logo

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF)

The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) is a combined national voice for mental health consumers and carers. Members use their lived experience, understanding of the mental health system and communication skills to advocate by providing an informed, strong and unified voice to government, the mental health sector and other identified stakeholders; and ensuring that issues and concerns are acknowledged and addressed as part of the national policy development process in Australia.

Learn more by visiting the NMHCCF website.

People with Disabilities WA (PWdWA) logo

People with Disabilities WA (PWdWA)

People with Disabilities WA (PWdWA) was established in 1981, and provide non-legal advocacy to people with disabilities. Its advocacy services are available to any person with a disability. You do not have to be a member to access advocacy. All of the advocacy work that PWdWA follows the principals of the National Disability Strategy.

Learn more by visiting the PWdWA website.

Physical Disability Australia (PDA) logo

Physical Disability Australia (PDA)

Physical Disability Australia (PDA) was established in 1995 and is a national peak Disability Peoples Organisation (DPO) run by people with physical disability for people with physical disability.

PDA exists for its members, who fuel our mission to “enable every Australian living with a physical disability to realise their full potential” and for our organisation to be a contributing presence in Australia’s disability conversation.

Together with the support of our incredible members and the ongoing work of our Board, we will continue to shine as an informed, influential, visible, active and connected organisation that puts disability rights at the forefront of all that we do.

Learn more by visiting the PDA website.

Polio Australia logo

Polio Australia

Polio Australia represents the needs of the post-polio community and works with passion and professionalism to educate, advocate and achieve recognition for polio survivors.  Their vision is that all polio survivors in Australia have access to appropriate health care, and the support required to maintain independence and make informed life choices. Polio Australia advises governments on policy development and programs in relation to the late effects of polio.

Learn more by visiting the Polio Australia website

Post Polio Victoria logo

Post Polio Victoria

Post Polio Victoria – A voice for people with Polio

With the passing of time, memories and stories of polio sufferers and when Polio was at its peak have faded into a distant memory.  Sadly, polio survivors have become largely forgotten, and the challenges of daily life for them are out of public view.

Mission: Through engagement and collaboration with Government, both Federal and State, PPV advocate for the best outcomes for equal and equitable access for people with polio to enable them to thrive.

Learn more by visiting the PPV website.

South West Autism Network logo

South West Autism Network

The South West Autism Network (SWAN) is a not for profit, charitable organisation supporting autistic individuals and their families living in the beautiful south west region of Western Australia.

Our members are spread from Australind to Augusta, inland to Bridgetown, Manjimup and everywhere in between – including Eaton, Bunbury, Busselton, Dunsborough, Metricup, Cowaramup, Karridale, Margaret River, Collie, Harvey and Donnybrook.

SWAN is working to improve acceptance and inclusion of autistic children, teens and adults in our community, empowering people through improved access to information, resources, training and support services.

Learn more about South West Austism Network (SWAN)

Women with Disabilities ACT (WWDACT) logo

Women with Disabilities ACT (WWDACT)

Women with Disabilities ACT (WWDACT) is a systemic advocacy and peer support organisation run by women with disabilities for women with disabilities. Established in 1995, WWDACT follows a human rights philosophy, based on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Convention on the Elimination of (All Forms Of) Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It works with government and non-government organisations to improve the status and lives of women with disabilities in the ACT and surrounding region.

Learn more by visiting the Women with Disabilities ACT website.

Women with Disabilities Victoria logo

Women with Disabilities Victoria

Women with Disabilities Victoria is an organisation of women with disabilities in Victoria with a diverse and growing membership. Its members have a range of disabilities, backgrounds, lifestyles and ages.  WDV recognises that women with disabilities are among the most marginalised in our community and empowers women with disabilities to achieve their rights in Victoria. WDV focus on those areas where gender inequity and/or disability have the biggest impact on the capacity of women with disabilities to be respected and to fully experience life.

Learn more by visiting the Women with Disabilities Victoria website.

Associate members

Advocacy WA logo

Advocacy WA

Established in 1991, Advocacy WA is a not for profit in Western Australian that provides a range of advocacy services for people living with disability in the South West of WA. Advocacy WA covers an area of 24,000 square kilometres. Advocacy WA believes in and fights for justice and human rights for people with disability. We believe in the importance of choice, equality of opportunity, fairness and inclusion in society. Each person in our society should be able to exercise independence over the choices and direction of their life. Advocacy WA advocates for systemic change and service improvement focusing on, but not limited to, the areas of accommodation, employment and financial security, education and training, transport, and access to specialist health services and supports.

Learn more by visiting the Advocacy WA website.

AED Legal Centre logo

AED Legal Centre

AED Legal Centre is a specialist Community Legal Service operating throughout Victoria.  They provide information, education, advice, and legal representation to people with disability who experience discrimination in the areas of education or employment as well as representation to people seeking review of decisions about their NDIS plans.  AED Legal Centre work to protect the human, civil and legal rights of people with disability.

Learn more by visiting the AED Legal Centre website

All Means All logo

All Means All

All Means All believe that all students have the right to receive an inclusive education and that Australia must ensure an inclusive education system.  All Means All work to implement an inclusive education system and remove the barriers that limit the rights of some students to access full inclusive education in regular classrooms in Australian schools. They also provide community education about the value and importance of fully inclusive education for all Australian students.

Learn more by visiting the All Means All website

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Amaze builds autism understanding in the community, influences policy change for autistic people and their families/supporters, and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.

Learn more by visiting the Amaze website

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Aspergers Victoria

Aspergers Victoria advocates for the Aspergers/ASD Level 1 community, raises awareness of Aspergers, and provides education and training.  Their mission is to empower Aspergers to have the confidence to realise their own strengths, abilities, dreams and ambitions – and with that independence – while managing challenges across their lives. This empowerment comes from their community of peers. Aspergers Victoria also provides peer group meetings, and information about Aspergers, supports, and opportunities.

Learn more by visiting the Aspergers Victoria website

Bus Stop Films logo

Bus Stop Films

Bus Stop Films is an award winning, disability led not for profit social enterprise, based in Carlton NSW. Their primary focus is enacting social justice outcomes through education, creativity, advocacy and employment to change community attitudes globally around the rights and contribution to society of and by people with disability and other marginalised groups.

Learn more by visiting Bus Stop Films website.

Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of South Australia (DACSSA) logo

Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of South Australia (DACSSA)

Disability Advocacy and Complaints Service of South Australia Inc (DACSSA) provides free and independent advocacy services that assist to promote and protect the human rights of people living with disability. DACSSA provides individual and systemic advocacy to people living with disability, their families and carers in South Australia.

Learn more by visiting the DACSSA website

Disability Voices Tasmania logo

Disability Voices Tasmania

Disability Voices Tasmania runs projects by people with disability for people with disability to build skills and capacity and confidence to increase participation in our community.


Learn more about Disability Voices Tasmania website

Explorability logo


Explorability Inc is an advocacy organisation that provides free and confidential individual advocacy to people living with disability, their families and carers, in Western Australia. Explorability also undertakes systemic advocacy activities, and other activities that align with upholding and protecting human rights, choice, and self-determination.

Learn more by visiting the Explorability website.

Integrated disAbility Action Inc logo

Integrated disAbility Action Inc

Integrated disAbility Action (ldA) is a community-led organisation founded in 1996 by people with disabilities for people with disabilities.  As the Northern Territory (NT) Peak Body for people with disability, IdA’s mission is rooted in human rights.

ldA is a not-for-profit organisation offering free, confidential advocacy services to people with disability, their families and carers throughout the NT.  IdA support Systemic, Individual and Citizen Advocacy.  ldA promotes access and inclusion, and challenges stereotypes, supporting people with disability to live an independent, unsegregated life.

Learn more by visiting the IdA website.

Leadership Plus logo

Leadership Plus

Leadership Plus is a community-based organisation providing advocacy assistance and leadership development to people living with disability.  Leadership Plus is a Victorian organisation and their advocacy work prioritises people living with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) as well as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) community members living in the Dandenong, Kingston and Casey Local Government Areas of Victoria.  They believe that everyone deserves to have their voice heard, their rights recognised, and the power to make their own choices and decisions over matters that affect their lives.

Learn more by visiting the Leadership Plus website

MS Australia logo

MS Australia

MS Australia is Australia’s national multiple sclerosis (MS) not-for-profit organisation that empowers researchers to identify ways to treat, prevent and cure MS, seeks sustained and systemic policy change via advocacy, and acts as the champion for Australia’s community of people affected by MS.

MS Australia is the largest Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to funding, coordinating, educating and advocating for MS research as part of the worldwide effort to solve MS. MS Australia collaborates closely with our member organisations and various international bodies to help meet the needs of people affected by MS.

Learn more by visiting the MS Australia website.

National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (NOFASD) logo

National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (NOFASD)

National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (NOFASD) is a family-focused organisation and is the essential bridge linking those with lived experience with researchers and clinicians.  Their mission is to be a strong and effective voice for individuals and families living with FASD, while supporting initiatives across Australia to promote prevention, diagnosis, intervention and management.

Learn more by visiting the NOFASD website

National Union of Students – Disabilities Department logo

National Union of Students – Disabilities Department

The NUS was founded in 1987 to represent all post school students in Australia. We are a peak representative and advocacy body for almost 1 Million students. The NUS is established on the principles of student unionism and our primary objectives include working for the interest of students in improving quality of education, academic freedom, access to education, social security, health and welfare.

Learn more about the National Union of Students website

Parkinson’s Australia logo

Parkinson’s Australia

Parkinson’s Australia is the national advocacy body for people living with Parkinson’s, their families and carers, researchers and health professionals. We promote the best possible quality of life for people with Parkinson’s. We advocate for the Parkinson’s community on issues of national significance. We work to reduce the impact of Parkinson’s by promoting best practice care to ensure that people can maximise their opportunities to live well and maintain their independence.

Learn more by visiting the Parkinson’s Australia website

Settlement Services International (SSI) – Disability Services logo

Settlement Services International (SSI) – Disability Services

SSI supports individuals, children, families and communities via a range of vital human services, from settlement support of newcomers and refugees, through to programs in employment and education, and health, wellbeing and social supports for all Australians, new and old.

Learn more by visiting the SSI website.

STAR Victoria logo

STAR Victoria

STAR Victoria is an independent community organisation, based in Victoria, dedicated to working with people who have an intellectual disability and their families. They work together to speak up for their rights, to fix the laws that stop them from living fully inclusive lives of their own choosing and to change community attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities.

Learn more about by visiting the STAR Victoria website

TASC National logo

TASC National

TASC is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to provide a voice and support to all our clients as we create solutions together through expert legal, advocacy and social service delivery. TASC are committed to increasing inclusion and making sure that people are treated fairly and with dignity.

Learn more by visiting the TASC Website

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia logo

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia support people with Tourette Syndrome and increase awareness of the disability among medical practitioners, public utilities and the general public.

Learn more by visiting the TSAA website.

Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) logo

Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS)

Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is a Victorian organisation that provides individual advocacy for young people with disability aged 12 – 25 years of age.  They also provide systemic advocacy to improve policy around issues that are important to young people with disability. YDAS works to ensure that the interests of young people with a disability are heard by government and other decision-makers.

Learn more by visiting the YDAS website

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