
Group photo

A group photo of AFDO Board, staff, members and guests at the AFDO Advocacy Conference.

AFDO is made up of member organisations who work together to contribute to the national policy agenda and address issues that impact the lives of people with disability in Australia. Our members are national and state disability advocacy organisations run by and for people with disability and their families, representing Australians with disability.

AFDO has two types of membership: Full Membership and Associate Membership. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept individuals as members of AFDO.  However, our members are organisations that represent individuals with disability.

Full Membership Information

As an AFDO Full member, your organisation would have the following benefits:

  • Entitled to the full range of member benefits, including participation in AFDO Member Forums, networking events, and access to development programs and training
  • Able to participate in committees and working groups of AFDO
  • Able to contribute to AFDO policy documents and submissions to government
  • Entitled to vote at the AGM, provided the membership fee is paid at the time of the meeting
  • Entitled to nominate a person for election to the AFDO Board, and the Executive Committee
  • Entitled to receive our Daily Media Wrap each morning with disability specific news

More information on the criteria to become a Full member of AFDO, and Application Form.


Associate Membership Information

As an Associate member, your organisation would have the following benefits:

  • Entitled to participate in AFDO Member Forums and networking events
  • Entitled to participate in committees and working groups of AFDO
  • Entitled to contribute to AFDO policy documents and submissions to government
  • Able to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as a non-voting member
  • Entitled to receive our Daily Media Wrap each morning with disability specific news
More information on the criteria to become an Associate member of AFDO and Application Form.
If you like the work we do, you can make a one-off donation or a regular monthly donation by selecting the ‘Support Our Work’ button below.

Support our work

Donations of $2.00 and over are tax-deductible.

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