Media releases

In light of recent media activity, the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) reiterates its support for a national approach to the NDIS.

This includes WA joining the complete Commonwealth NDIS to ensure Western Australians with disability are not compromised by a multi-layered system.

“We are concerned that the WA government is not listening to people with disability when it comes to the future provision of services and supports. People with disability are clear they want WA to be a part of the national NDIS system,” said Mr Ross Joyce, AFDO CEO.

“Having read the Agreement signed between WA and the Commonwealth I am unconvinced that a separate approach by WA is in the best interest of its citizens or in the best long-term interests of the NDIS. WA can significantly lower its costs by joining in with the full scheme management through the NDIA, and not by pursuing an unnecessary duplication,” Mr Joyce advised.

WA must abandon its current model and join in with all the States & Territories who have signed on for the complete NDIS model inclusive of NDIA management

Please direct all media enquiries to AFDO CEO, Mr. Ross Joyce on 0402 842 040

More information on the NDIS in WA can be found through the following links:

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