Amplify Network, Focus Groups & Product Trials

AFDO’s Amplify Network allows business and government to build in accessibility at the design stage of developing products and projects.  It also provides a seamless process for hearing the voice and opinions of people with disability on any subject.  AFDO manages recruitment according to individual briefs plus facilitation, remuneration and data collection as required.  Contact Jim Valavanis at to discuss your needs.

AFDO has been our principled and close partner representing the point of view of people with disability. They have recruited and managed a wide variety and large number of people with lived experience of disability to participate in discussions or trials. . . . . Their professionalism in conducting their activities contributed significantly to the success of these projects. It allowed us to focus on our strengths, the development of the input to People with Disability and on incorporating their feedback.

Erik Van Vulpen

Deputy Director, Centre for Technology Infusion, La Trobe University

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