AFDO NDIS website – Disability Loop
Disability Loop is the online face of the AFDO National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) website. It is designed to make information about the NDIS easy to find, easy to use and as accessible to as many people as possible.
Disability Loop includes:
- a regular email newsletter featuring the latest NDIS news, resources and events
- a regularly updated, accessible and informative website, which explains what the NDIS is, provides easy access to a range of helpful NDIS resources and provides information in plain language
- active social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter.
To access the AFDO Disability Loop website, visit
Our work on the NDIS

A photo of NDIS meeting participants.
A great source of pride for AFDO has been our advocacy for reforms that have enabled people with disability to shape how they live their own lives.
The reform of disability services to meet the needs of people with disability, has been a key focus since the beginning of AFDO. Our leadership, together with a united approach by the disability sector, was key to introducing legislation for the NDIS.
Over the last five years, our representation on behalf of people with disability has included:
- policy papers on the role of people with disability in the NDIS
- contribution to the design work of the NDIS through representation in two expert groups: Choice & Control and Assessment & Eligibility
- advice at roundtables on topics including:
- assessment
- co-design
- market force
- social capital
- meeting the needs of people with disability aged 65+
- submissions to the:
- Productivity Commission enquiry
- draft NDIS legislation
- Regulatory Impact Statement
- NDIS rules and guidelines
- collaboration with consumer and advocacy organisations to develop a united voice calling for the legislation of the NDIS
- leading consultations of people with disability and other stakeholders to get their views about the NDIS, then submitting views to the NDIS Taskforce to inform the NDIS development
- being a founding member of the National Disability and Carer Alliance (NDCA) with National Disability Services and Carers Australia
- advice and support on the experiences and specific needs of people with disability:
- from rural and remote communities
- from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- from non-English speaking backgrounds
- with cognitive disabilities
- in the mental health system
- distributing small grants to other organisations for specialist work on the NDIS
- presentations to the disability sector, families and the public, such as the Adaptive Leadership Symposium in 2013 and 2014
- expert advice to the NDIS National Research Roundtable, which was attended by 40 researchers in 2013 and 2014 to develop a framework for disability research
- responding to the Terms of Reference for the Select Committee Inquiry into DisabilityCare Australia (now known as the NDIS)
- meeting with Mal Brough, Chair of the NDIS Standing Committee and Jenny Macklin, Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS
- briefing to the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS in 2013 and 2014 by the former AFDO CEO, Matthew Wright
- ongoing conversations with the National Disability Insurance Agency to make sure that the rollout of the NDIS reflects the needs and aspirations of people with disability.
If you like the work we do, you can make a one-off donation or a regular monthly donation by selecting the ‘Support Our Work’ button below.
Donations of $2.00 and over are tax-deductible.
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