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People with disability, from around Australia, have been recognised by their peers for their outstanding leadership and achievements in the inaugural National Awards for Disability Leadership held today, International Day of People with Disability.

“People with disability have come together to celebrate the strong expertise and talent of our community in our own National Awards, run by people with disability, for people with disability,” said Ms Sue Salthouse, winner of last year’s lifetime achievement award.

“I’m so delighted to present this year’s Lesley Hall Lifetime Achievement award to Janice Slattery, who has been a tireless and committed advocate for and with people with an intellectual disability for over 30 years. She has made an outstanding commitment to the disability rights movement over decades that has resulted in substantial change for people with disability. Janice has inspired younger leaders, in particular many women with an intellectual disability in her work in women’s health, sexuality and violence and abuse prevention, showing them how it is done.”

The Lifetime Achievement Award has been named after Lesley Hall, a pioneer and powerhouse of the disability rights movement. Lesley was a feminist and disability activist, who worked to advance the rights of women and girls with disability.

“Rosemary Kayess is such a worthy winner of the Rights Activism award, for their work doing as an internationally respected lawyer, academic and researcher specialising in discrimination and human rights law,” said Christina Ryan, CEO of the Disability Leadership Institute.

“The Change Making award has gone to Anthony Mulholland for making sure people with intellectual disability are heard and included. The disability rights movement is so much stronger for the changes Anthony has made towards a truly inclusive Australia.”

“Our disability arts sector is dynamic, innovative and pioneering. The recipient of the Arts award is Sarah Houbolt who is an arts practitioner who epitomises how to use artistic expression to advance the status of people with disability,” said Frank Hall-Bentick, Board member, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations.

“People with disability are natural innovators, as we move around a world not designed for us. The Client Voice Project Group – David Cook, Nathan Clark, Jessica Parson, Emma Simpson, Toni Sheedy, Thomas Norwood, Eva Sifis have won the Innovation category, for their pioneering work with the Victorian Transport Accident Commission that has transformed the services provided to people with disability.”

“I’m proud to be able to present the Inclusion Award to The LGBTIQ inclusion project within the Sexual Lives and Respectful Relationships (SL&RR) program at Deakin University, who have made visible the diversity and strength of the disability community contributing to the understanding of the diversity and capacities of people with intellectual disability,” said Dr. David Abello, President of People with Disability Australia, for Disabled Persons’ Organisations Australia.

“Jessica Walton’s work in using the public domain, such as social media and the media, to make people with disability more visible has been impressive, so they are worthy winners of the Social Impact award this year,” said Ms Ryan.

“These awards reflect what is important to disabled people, to our movement and to the ways that we are driving change and pursuing equality for our community. There are so many people with disability who are leaders and it’s been great to recognise them on this International Day of People with Disability,” said Dr Abello.

List of recipients and categories

Lesley Hall – Janice Slattery

Arts – Sarah Houbolt

Change making – Anthony Mulholland

Inclusion – The LGBTIQ inclusion project within the Sexual Lives and Respectful Relationships (SL&RR) program at Deakin University

Innovation – Client Voice Project Group (TAC) – David Cook, Nathan Clark, Jessica Parson, Emma Simpson, Toni Sheedy, Thomas Norwood, Eva Sifis

Rights Activism – Rosemary Kayess

Social impact – Jessica Walton


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