A Gift in your Will

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Leaving a bequest in your Will for AFDO is a wonderful way to ensure that the voice of people with disability continues to inform government policy and programs.

What your Bequest will do?

  • increase the capacity of people with disability to make sure they have a say in promoting a truly accessible and inclusive society.
  • Give people with disability a voice
  • Inform government policy and programs

Who can make a bequest?

Anyone, regardless of their financial position, can make a bequest. Your gift can be of any amount and should not cause financial difficulties to any other beneficiaries of your Will. To ensure this, you can leave a Residuary Bequest, one which ensures that once all other gifts, taxes and debts have been honoured, an amount is left to the charity or charities of your choosing.

What are the different types of bequest?

If you would like to leave a bequest to AFDO, we recommend speaking with your solicitor when you next update your Will. There are two common forms of charitable bequest you may consider, although there are others that your solicitor can discuss with you.

1. Residuary gift:

“I give my residuary estate [insert percentage]% of my estate to be paid, free of all duties, to Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Registered address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 for its general purposes and benefits absolutely.

I also declare that the receipt of the bequest by the Chief Executive Officer or the Company Secretary shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors/trustees for the transfer or payment of any property, monies under this clause in my Will.

2. Pecuniary gift:

“I give [insert monetary amount] to be paid, free of all duties, to Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Registered address: 552 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 for its general purposes and benefits absolutely.

I also declare that the receipt of the bequest by the Chief Executive Officer or the Company Secretary shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors/trustees for the transfer or payment of any property, monies under this clause of my Will.’’

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to consider making a bequest to AFDO.

If you would like more information or want to let us know about a gift you’ve already made in your Will, please contact me directly. I would love the opportunity to talk to you.

Ross Joyce, Chief Executive Officer


0402 842 040

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