Employing people with disability makes good business sense. Businesses who employ people with disability benefit from the diverse range of skills, talents, and qualifications that people with disability have to offer.
Research has shown that employees with disability have higher rates of retention, better attendance, and fewer occupational health and safety incidents than those without a disability.
There are already many Australians with disability successfully employed in the workforce, with many employed in professional, managerial and administrator roles.
On average, employing people with disability does not cost any more than employing people without disability. Assistance with the cost of making workplace adjustments is available through the Australian Government funded Employment Assistance Fund (EAF).
Employing people with disability will help your business:
- draw from the widest possible pool of talent
- employ and retain skilled, loyal and hardworking staff
- improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating that you treat all employees fairly
It also helps customers and other businesses identify those businesses that are committed to equality in the workplace, as well as equality in the community.