2013 Shadow Report

2013 Civil Society CRPD Shadow Report

The 2013 Shadow Report Disability Rights Now was launched in August 2012 and was endorsed by more than 80 organisations. It contains more than 130 recommendations that were developed over a three-year period.  You are able to watch an Auslan video about the Report here.

The Working Group also made a submission on the List of Issues for Australia.  This Submission consisted of 11 fact sheets addressing the 11 main areas of concern. Each fact sheet contained a list of suggested recommendations drawn primarily from the Disability Rights Now report.

  1. Access to justice
  2. Criminal justice and detention
  3. Disability support and living in the community
  4. Education
  5. Employment
  6. Equal recognition before the law
  7. Immigration
  8. Inhuman treatment and restrictive practices
  9. Legislative and policy framework
  10. Respect for home and the family
  11. Violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation


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