Nothing About Us Without Us: Demand Fair Funding for Systemic Disability Advocacy!
The Urgent Need for Adequate Funding
Advocacy work is critical to ensuring governments develop effective disability policies that truly address the needs of people with disability. Recent government reforms from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability, and the Independent Review of the NDIS mean our work is more critical than ever.
The Funding Shortfall
On May 10, 2024, Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, announced the latest funding results. Our consortium secured $1.7 million over the next two years. While this sounds significant, it represents a 30% decrease from our current funding—at a time when our workload is increasing dramatically. We have effectively been defunded, and barely have enough to keep the lights on. Some consortium members will be forced to close entirely if this situation is not resolved.
Take Action Now!
We need your help to urgently seek Minister Rishworth’s intervention to ensure fair funding is provided for our consortium DROs. Here’s how you can help:
- Share our campaign on social media using the buttons below.
- Email Minister Rishworth directly on our behalf.
- Contact your MP and urge them to support our cause.
Your support is crucial. Together, we can ensure that people with disability have the advocacy they need to thrive. Stand with us and ensure our voices are heard.
The following 7 Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) are affected:
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