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Holding The Line for people with disability & their families!

Woman with a disability baking in a restaurant kitchen.
A woman with a visual impairment and her guide dog laying on the grass.

AFDO stands for the inclusion of people with disability in all aspects of Australian life.  We are a Disabled Peoples Organisation and speak out for the rights of people with disability to be seen and heard.  We hold the line of behalf of people with disability and their families with government – about human rights, health, education, work; with business about opportunity and support; and with our community about inclusion and a fair go for all.  To continue our work supporting people with disability we need your support.

The Facts about Disability in Australia

48% of working-age (aged 15-64) people with disability are employed, compared with 80% without disability.
32% of adults with disability experience high/very high psychological distress, compared with 8% without disability.
47% of adults with disability have experienced violence after the age of 15, compared with 36% without disability.
24% of adults with disability experience very good or excellent health, compared with 65% without disability.
Employment. 53% of people (15-64) with disability are participating in the labour force.
Income and Finance. 43% of people (15-64) with disability receive a government payment as their main source of income.
Justice and safety. 1 in 10 people (15+) with disability experienced disability discrimination in the last year.
Education and skills. 9 in 10 school-age children with disability go to school.
Housing. 96% of people with disability live in private dwellings.
Social Support. About 340,000 people with disability are active NDIS participants with approved plans.
2 in 3 people with disability aged less than 65 saw a medical specialist in the last year
People with disability. 1 in 6 Australians are estimated to have disability, or about 4.4 million people.

(Source: AIHW People With Disability In Australia, 2020)

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Here is how you can help us!

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Make a Gift in your Will

If you would like to consider leaving a bequest to support AFDO’s work
please feel free to call Jim Valavanis, Sustainability Manager, for more information
on +61 456 003 767 or email at

Jim Valavanis
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