Media releases

“AFDO calls on Standards Australia to reopen consultation on their proposed technical specification standard for powered wheelchairs and engage with people with disability organisations” says AFDO President, Trevor Carroll.

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) today came out in support of Physical Disability Australia who have appealed to Standards Australia to reopen consultation on their proposed technical specification standard for powered wheelchairs and to actively solicit feedback from Australian users of powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters.

The draft technical specification (to be SA TS 3695.3:201X) seeks to impose unrealistic and confining restrictions on the allowable size, weight and performance of powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters for use on “road related areas” such as public footpaths, parks and car parks and carriage in public transport vehicles (including commercial aircraft).

It’s imperative that Standards Australia engage with people with disability organisations such as Physical Disability Australia and Australian Federation of Disability Organisations” said Mr Carroll.

If the proposed specification standard and labelling is adopted, endorsed and enforced by the Australian Government, many Australians may find themselves unable to participate in employment, education and social activities.  This would be an act of discrimination against people with disability who use powered wheelchairs.

AFDO calls upon the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, the Hon Greg Hunt MP to direct Standards Australia to genuinely consult users of powered wheelchairs so they are not unreasonably denied access to the devices they need to move freely about their communities and their country.

Physical Disability Australia’s Media Release can be viewed at

Please direct all media enquiries to Mr Trevor Carroll on 0418 513 304 

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