Media releases

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is very pleased to launch the Disability Loop website at today.

“Disability Loop aims to give people with disability and their families information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) that is up to date, easy to find and easy to use,” said Matthew Wright, AFDO CEO.

“Disability Loop is different to the NDIS website because it is run by and for people with disability and their families. It also brings together information from lots of different websites, not just the NDIS.

“Disability Loop is a project run by AFDO and funded by the NDIS Sector Development Fund (SDF).

The Disability Loop website and its accompanying social media channels (eNews, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube) are the online face of AFDO’s Disability Loop project.

The Disability Loop website is one element in the broader Disability Loop project. More elements of the project will be developed later in the year. This is what we can tell you a bit about now:

• The Disability Loop website. AFDO has developed and will maintain a website to house and promote information relating to the NDIS. Disability Loop staff have developed and will distribute an accompanying eNews, and accompanying social media activities.

• Gap analysis and resource development. Disability Loop project staff have been consulting broadly with the Australian disability advocacy sector about the NDIS. Disability Loop will provide a comprehensive report on the information needs of people with a disability and/or their families, and develop resources to meet identified needs. This may include printed and electronic resources.

Please direct all enquiries to AFDO CEO, Mr Matthew Wright on 0428 608 861.

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