Media releases

People with disabilities are intimately involved with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), but are not often asked to provide information about it to their peers and community.

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) is now offering an NDIS Champions program that has brought together a group of people with disabilities from all around Australia who can confidently provide information on the NDIS to groups in their local communities. As well as providing an overview of the new scheme which is rolling out nationally over the next three years, NDIS Champions will also share aspects of their own personal stories – helping people understand how the NDIS can and will make a significant difference to the lives of Australians with disability.

The AFDO NDIS Champions program is part of AFDO’s NDIS Information Loop project funded by the NDIS Sector Development Fund.

Trevor Carroll, President of the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, said “The AFDO NDIS Champions program is an opportunity for people with disability to be recognised as leaders in their community, and to develop skills through paid employment”.

AFDO received nearly 150 applications for the 30 NDIS Champions positions, highlighting the demand and desire for people with disability to find meaningful, paid employment.

The NDIS Champions are from all states and territories of Australia. After 16 hours of training by AFDO, the NDIS Champions are now ready to deliver presentations to their peers as well as organisations, businesses and local community groups such as sports clubs, churches, and service clubs.

“Understanding the difference that the NDIS will make from the perspective of a person with disability is critical”, said Mr Carroll. “The AFDO NDIS Champions program fills the gap in peer led information for people with disability”.

If you’re interested in having an NDIS Champion speak to your group, business or organisation, please either fill out the expression of interest form, contact AFDO on (03) 9662 3324 or at, or contact your local NDIS Champion directly, via the NDIS Champions page on the Disability Loop website at

Please direct all media enquiries to Ms Liz Reid, Acting President on 0414 525 206. 

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