Media releases

Disability Australia welcomes the announcement today by the Australian Labor Party on International Day of People with Disability to re-fund people with disability organisations that represent over 200,000 people with disability across Australia.

“We welcome today’s announcement and call for bi-partisan support for long-term stability and funding for people with disability organisations that were critical in achieving the NDIS”, said Matthew Wright, CEO of the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, and spokesperson for Disability Australia.

Did you know that:

  • Over 4 million people in Australia have some form of disability. That’s 1 in 5 people.
  • The Senate enquiry has just found that abuse of people with disability is endemic in Australia and recommended a Royal Commission
  • People with disability are twice as likely to be in the bottom 20% of gross household incomes
  • 53% of people with a disability aged 15 – 64yrs are currently employed, compared with 83% of people without a disability
  • Only 19% of people with a disability who are employed work as a professional
  • 36% of people with a disability aged 18 – 64yrs have completed Year 12, compared with 60% of those without a disability
  • People with a profound disability are 9 times less likely to participate in activities outside the home
  • 45% of those with a disability in Australia are living either near or below the poverty line, more than double the OECD average of 22%
  • There is a risk that the NDIS will expand the current models that perpetuate these problems, without considered input from the peak bodies that provide a direct channel for the voices of people affected by the new scheme

People with disability organisations providing good systemic advocacy is imperative to address these problems.  With the NDIS at a crucial juncture it’s vital that people with disability organisations are supported in tandem with the roll out of the NDIS to ensure we address these important issues.

People with disability, their families and representative organisations need long-term commitment from Government and Opposition and secure and stable funding to help them reach their full potential.

Disability Australia calls on the Turnbull Government to match Labor’s funding commitment.

Please direct all enquiries to AFDO CEO, Mr Matthew Wright on 0428 608 861.

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