The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) fully supports the recommendations and commends the Productivity Commission in its latest review outcomes into the National Disability Agreements (NDA).
AFDO urges the Federal Government and every State & Territory government to adopt these recommendations and through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) commence building these recommendations into a new NDA inclusive of relevant funding, outcomes and reporting.
“I commend the work and the depth of consultation which Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald and the Productivity Commission team have undertaken which is reflected in the richness of the recommendations, they have nailed it!, said Mr Joyce, CEO of AFDO.
“We have been very concerned about the ongoing confusion over responsibilities and service provision across jurisdictions following the implementation and roll-out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) particularly for the 4+ million Australians with disability who are not and never will be covered by the NDIS. The NDIS is essential and will cover 460 thousand Australians at full roll-out, those outside of this and ineligible to join still need relevant supports across all communities. All State & Territory Governments have an ongoing responsibility to people with disability to provide relevant services and supports, no different to anyone else”, advised Mr Joyce.
“The Productivity Commission has investigated and provided key, pertinent and practical recommendations which will ensure that new National Disability Agreements will be an overarching agreement covering all people with disability. The new Agreements need to be about meeting the rights, needs and aspirations, of all people with disability in Australia, and reflect the role of the National Disability Strategy and the NDIS. This is welcomed and would create a new dynamic for people with disability and bring about greater inclusion.”
“We need the Federal Government and all State/Territory Governments to get on board, endorse these and ensure that agreed funding is provided to enable implementation in an effective and timely manner”, said Mr Joyce.
The full review by the Productivity Commission is available here.
For more information please contact Mr Ross Joyce on 0402 842 040.
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