
People with disability should have as much say about the planning and development of services and activities as other people in the community. When talking with stakeholders, it is important to include people with disability so that the views of the whole community are included.

Why is consultation and engagement important?

Organisations should aim to engage with and get the views of stakeholders and the broader community to:

  • generate ideas or get feedback on available options
  • help with the planning and development of activities, policies and programs
  • find out how they feel about:
    • programs
    • services
    • facilities
  • understand what is working well, what needs to be improved and how to make improvements.

What is inclusive consultation and engagement?

Inclusive consultation and engagement includes:

  • adopting flexible approaches for consultation to suit individuals and groups
  • taking into account a variety of access and communication requirements
  • respecting people’s differences
  • giving people an equal opportunity to contribute.

Source: DHS Victoria


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