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Post Polio Victoria

Post Polio Victoria

Post Polio Victoria – A voice for people with Polio With the passing of time, memories and stories of polio sufferers and when Polio was at its peak have faded into a distant memory.  Sadly, polio survivors have become largely forgotten, and the challenges of daily...

South West Autism Network

South West Autism Network

The South West Autism Network (SWAN) is a not for profit, charitable organisation supporting autistic individuals and their families living in the beautiful south west region of Western Australia. Our members are spread from Australind to Augusta, inland to...

Advocacy for Inclusion

Advocacy for Inclusion

Advocacy for Inclusion strive to advance inclusion and end discrimination through the provision of outstanding individual and systemic advocacy, resources, and training services.   Learn more about Advocacy for Inclusion website

Polio Australia

Polio Australia

Polio Australia represents the needs of the post-polio community and works with passion and professionalism to educate, advocate and achieve recognition for polio survivors.  Their vision is that all polio survivors in Australia have access to appropriate health care,...

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF)

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF)

The National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum (NMHCCF) is a combined national voice for mental health consumers and carers. Members use their lived experience, understanding of the mental health system and communication skills to advocate by providing an...